Highway 66 Road Conditions, and also conditions for Dead Indian Memorial Road, and the Howard Hyatt Road - 1/22 - 7 am
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Spots of ice from mile post 14 to the Highway 97 junction. Sanders working. Use caution.
Motorists are required to carry chains, or otherwise meet Snow Zone requirements through March 31st.
Highway 66 can close without warning in winter storms with heavy snow hitting I 5. Resources will be pulled from Highway 66 to work on I 5. Additionally, Highway 66 may not be plowed or sanded in overnight periods. Travel between 8 pm and 6 am is going to be at your own risk if that is the case.
Highway 66 has VERY tight twisting turns on the west slopes in Jackson County east of Ashland. It has length restrictions. Semis with 53 foot trailers cannot negotiate those turns. Additionally, Dead Indian Memorial Road and the Howard Hyatt Roads are NOT alterantive routes for semis, or even longer length trailers behind pick ups. DO NOT RELY ON NAVIGATION DEVICES TO FOOL YOU ONTO THESE ROUTES. YOU WILL WIND UP WITH A TOW BILL IN THE THOUSANDS. And that is if you are lucky.
Spots of ice. Sanders working. Use caution.
Motorists are required to carry chains, or otherwise meet Snow Zone requirements through March 31st.
Dead Indian Memorial Road and the Howard Hyatt Road will not be plowed or sanded in overnight periods through March 31st. Travel between 4 pm and 6 am is going to be at your own risk. With snow covered roads, use of chains is likely going to be required.
Dead Indian Memorial Road webcam @ mile post 13/summit. This camera updates continuously in real time. Conditions shown here are frequently what you will encounter on nearby Highway 66 - https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/Dead%20Indian%20Memorial%20Rd%20W_pid2558.JPG?rand=1612153492120
Dead Indian Memorial Road webcam @ Clover Creek Road in Klamath County. This location is just southeast of Lake of the Woods. This camera updates continuously in real time. - https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/Dead%20Indian%20Memorial%20Rd%20EB%20at%20Clover%20Creek%20MP28.35_pid4704.jpg?rand=1676410398981